1.Snap Happy Photographer- An Snap Happy Photographer is really the most possible, pressing the shutter release at a random over and over again with little though to their subject's position within the frame.
2. Over Planner- Its planing the shutter is released you relax and try to move on only to find that the first shot was a 'test shot' and that they need to go through the whole process again because the sin had moved since they positioned you and the glare on the waterfall made you face invisible.
3. I Believe i would be a Snap happy photographer because when i take pictuces i would just try to take the picture and move on but in a over planner it would just a few hours just to get the pictuce perfect.
4. Two questions listed in the article that i can us e to help plan photos better would be Is the place im shooting in light or dark? that would help me becasue i wouldnt want the photo im takeing to be to drakare to light the next one would be Is my subject moveing or still that is a very important one becuase if im takeing a pictuce of something moveing then it much be on a diffnet setting because if not then the pictuce will come out burlie.
5. Because things happend quick and most of the time once if your takeing to much time try to set your camera you will miss the shoot.
6. Beucase your wanna make your that the picture is ok to put somewere important and how other people will look at the picture.